VRChat 마이너 갤러리 저장소

제 목
일반 서양식 네덕ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
원본 글 주소
  • 2018-12-13 08:50:57
  • 1.225

[23:44] SkyRayn8: okay

[23:49] SkyRayn8: hi

[23:50] klipaaaaa: tnks for invite

[23:50] SkyRayn8: thank you for comming here

[23:50] klipaaaaa: lamo

[23:50] klipaaaaa: sry to bother y but

[23:50] klipaaaaa: do you know how to put avartr on?

[23:50] SkyRayn8: youre never a bother

[23:51] klipaaaaa: ㅠㅠ

[23:51] klipaaaaa: im crying

[23:51] SkyRayn8: yeah

[23:51] SkyRayn8: let me see

[23:51] klipaaaaa: iim looks so scary

[23:52] SkyRayn8: you look like my kind

[23:52] klipaaaaa: lol

[23:52] SkyRayn8: but you can buy avatars on the SL market place

[23:52] klipaaaaa: just bought 0$ little kitty

[23:53] klipaaaaa: but dont know how to put on lol

[23:53] SkyRayn8: and just change into what you want  to do

[23:53] klipaaaaa: ok

[23:53] SkyRayn8: like you can even have different avvies in your outfit list

[23:54] SkyRayn8: i just have this one and the angel one

[23:54] klipaaaaa: looks cute

[23:55] SkyRayn8: yeah i need this fire cuz im about to get really fucking nuts

[23:55] SkyRayn8: so i need to chill

[23:56] SkyRayn8: immagine a being moving out of a dark corner and making you combust into fire

[23:56] klipaaaaa: oowww

[23:57] SkyRayn8: the worst ive done as an angel was convince someone into suicide

[23:57] klipaaaaa: angel of death

[23:57] SkyRayn8: yup

[23:58] SkyRayn8: the fat greedy piece of shit deserved it

[23:58] klipaaaaa: lol

[23:58] klipaaaaa: badass

[23:58] SkyRayn8: waste of life and other peoples time

[23:59] SkyRayn8: fuck the mother fucker

[23:59] klipaaaaa: well but still alive

[23:59] SkyRayn8: i like your avvie

[23:59] SkyRayn8: yeah that was a miracle

[23:59] SkyRayn8: pisses me off

[23:59] klipaaaaa: ㅠ_ㅠ

[00:00] SkyRayn8: oh well theres a lot of them

[00:00] klipaaaaa: when i was like 15

[00:00] SkyRayn8: I'll get as many as i can

[00:00] SkyRayn8: im listening

[00:00] klipaaaaa: metoo

[00:01] klipaaaaa: sry mha type is slow

[00:01] klipaaaaa: english is my second lange

[00:01] klipaaaaa: whats your habbie

[00:01] SkyRayn8: hey that box you can click on it and detach it

[00:01] klipaaaaa: lol

[00:02] SkyRayn8: art

[00:02] klipaaaaa: why is that thinging was overthere

[00:02] klipaaaaa: thats cool

[00:02] klipaaaaa: like coooooool guy with coffe

[00:02] klipaaaaa: allways use apple and drive elect car

[00:02] SkyRayn8: lol a fucking yuppie

[00:03] klipaaaaa: hahahaha

[00:03] SkyRayn8: dude that wears a man bun and eat sea weed

[00:03] klipaaaaa: lol

[00:04] SkyRayn8: yea id like to grab a man by his hippie fucking man bun and bash his fucking vegan head into a cinder block untill he sleeps

[00:04] klipaaaaa: that campfire wants to make me feellll

[00:04] klipaaaaa: smoke

[00:04] klipaaaaa: brutalllll

[00:04] SkyRayn8: I hate people like that

[00:05] SkyRayn8: condescending assholes that think theyve been around through the fucking galaxy and all that shit

[00:05] klipaaaaa: i prefurrr jin rather then coffe

[00:05] SkyRayn8: just snort some cocain

[00:05] klipaaaaa: ^d^

[00:05] SkyRayn8: no dont do that

[00:05] SkyRayn8: LOL

[00:05] klipaaaaa: nightcap

[00:06] klipaaaaa: oneshot = nap

[00:06] SkyRayn8: cocain makes you awake

[00:06] SkyRayn8: its better than coffee

[00:06] klipaaaaa: well i wish somethat

[00:06] SkyRayn8: NO

[00:06] klipaaaaa: but cant do that in ma korea

[00:07] SkyRayn8: yeah you dont want that

[00:07] klipaaaaa: hahahah

[00:07] SkyRayn8: its addictive and it can ruin your life

[00:07] SkyRayn8: just drink coffee

[00:07] SkyRayn8: you're in North Korea?

[00:07] klipaaaaa: i aready ruined mha life like 30%

[00:07] klipaaaaa: no sought

[00:08] SkyRayn8: oh good.

[00:08] klipaaaaa: asthma

[00:08] SkyRayn8: i was like " how does this person have internet?"

[00:08] klipaaaaa: lose my lungs 60$ becus of smoke

[00:08] klipaaaaa: hahahaha thats fun

[00:08] klipaaaaa: %

[00:08] SkyRayn8: do you have an inhaler?

[00:09] SkyRayn8: like albuterol

[00:09] klipaaaaa: collection of them

[00:09] klipaaaaa: isn't that funny

[00:09] SkyRayn8: oh i know

[00:09] klipaaaaa: imagaine a soilder blowing inhaler

[00:10] SkyRayn8: this one guy was having a hard time breathing

[00:10] klipaaaaa: shotting tank cannon

[00:10] klipaaaaa: whole in operation

[00:10] SkyRayn8: I gave him a paper sack and told him to breathe into it

[00:10] klipaaaaa: hu ha hu ha hu ha

[00:10] SkyRayn8: he did and it got his breath back

[00:10] klipaaaaa: damn Department of Defense

[00:11] klipaaaaa: they gave me 1st body score

[00:11] klipaaaaa: how

[00:11] SkyRayn8: whats that?

[00:11] klipaaaaa: when youget 1st score

[00:11] klipaaaaa: you go lnn or dmz

[00:12] klipaaaaa: youcan say hello to north soilders

[00:12] SkyRayn8: are you a soldier?

[00:12] klipaaaaa: was

[00:12] klipaaaaa: just retired

[00:12] SkyRayn8: oh yeah thats right

[00:12] klipaaaaa: enjoyingggg my happy life

[00:13] SkyRayn8: yeah very good

[00:13] klipaaaaa: yesterday was chicken

[00:13] klipaaaaa: today is pizza

[00:13] SkyRayn8: NICE

[00:13] SkyRayn8: lol

[00:13] klipaaaaa: tomorrow will be tgif

[00:13] SkyRayn8: well since im fucked and kicked out of heaven...

[00:14] SkyRayn8: food is pretty damn good

[00:14] klipaaaaa: wow

[00:14] SkyRayn8: theres this little place called church's chicken.

[00:14] klipaaaaa: i was wandering what angels do eat

[00:15] SkyRayn8: they have awesome fried ocra

[00:15] SkyRayn8: and cajun spicy rice

[00:15] klipaaaaa: nooooo

[00:15] SkyRayn8: yeah

[00:16] SkyRayn8: i get the two peice meal with dark meat and fuckin all of that other bullshit and some jalepenos

[00:16] SkyRayn8: well we eat the same things as you when in this state

[00:16] klipaaaaa: burning mouth

[00:16] SkyRayn8: sucks

[00:16] klipaaaaa: must be hurt

[00:16] SkyRayn8: oh i love spicy shit

[00:17] klipaaaaa: man

[00:17] SkyRayn8: fuck it

[00:17] SkyRayn8: i dont care anymore

[00:17] SkyRayn8: i acually like this

[00:17] SkyRayn8: play computer games

[00:17] SkyRayn8: eat food

[00:18] klipaaaaa: relexing

[00:18] SkyRayn8: havent tried sex yet

[00:18] klipaaaaa: oh

[00:18] klipaaaaa: me nether

[00:18] SkyRayn8: thats something i dont want because what would the child be

[00:18] SkyRayn8: but what ever

[00:19] klipaaaaa: fire

[00:20] klipaaaaa: is nice

[00:20] SkyRayn8: fire fire

[00:20] SkyRayn8: thank you

[00:20] klipaaaaa: want to make campfire again

[00:20] klipaaaaa: was fun

[00:21] klipaaaaa: i used to take pictures of stars

[00:21] SkyRayn8: oh yeah!?

[00:21] SkyRayn8: what did you see?

[00:21] SkyRayn8: besides stars

[00:21] klipaaaaa: dont know there my telescope gone

[00:22] klipaaaaa: Cygnus

[00:22] klipaaaaa: i love to see Cygnus

[00:22] klipaaaaa: it has blackhole behind its wing

[00:23] SkyRayn8: have i told you the truth about mars and the asteriod belt?

[00:24] klipaaaaa: nop

[00:24] SkyRayn8: well first thing billions of years ago the earth was totally different

[00:24] SkyRayn8: very in hospitable

[00:25] SkyRayn8: mars was more habitable

[00:25] SkyRayn8: there was a planet between mars and jupiter

[00:26] klipaaaaa: lol

[00:26] SkyRayn8: there was a war and the destruction of this planet devasted mars

[00:26] SkyRayn8: and created the asteriod belt

[00:27] SkyRayn8: the immagine what people would find on mars

[00:27] SkyRayn8: i already know what they would find

[00:27] klipaaaaa: what will they?

[00:28] SkyRayn8: cities. burried underneath billions of years of soil

[00:28] klipaaaaa: when will be it? then

[00:28] klipaaaaa: cant guess

[00:29] SkyRayn8: the entire planet was just covered by a massive sand storm a few months ago

[00:29] klipaaaaa: that means

[00:29] klipaaaaa: it doesnt covered now?

[00:30] SkyRayn8: so to dig up your ancestors would take a lot of work

[00:30] klipaaaaa: oh

[00:30] SkyRayn8: no the planet is fine

[00:30] klipaaaaa: will need fine million years

[00:30] klipaaaaa: i guess

[00:30] SkyRayn8: just depressing. its was earth's sister planet

[00:31] SkyRayn8: it still has water though

[00:31] SkyRayn8: and *wink* someone is still there

[00:32] klipaaaaa: omm

[00:32] klipaaaaa: someone must be lonely

[00:32] SkyRayn8: some left some went under ground.

[00:32] SkyRayn8: just like what humans would do

[00:33] klipaaaaa: lol

[00:34] SkyRayn8: like with "noahs" ark

[00:34] SkyRayn8: his name wasnt fucking noah by the way

[00:34] klipaaaaa: what is it?

[00:36] SkyRayn8: Ziudra

[00:36] klipaaaaa: didnt know before

[00:37] klipaaaaa: now i know what i must know

[00:37] klipaaaaa: interesting story

[00:38] SkyRayn8: there are other names for him too

[00:39] SkyRayn8: the flood story transends the entire earth

[00:39] klipaaaaa: oh wow

[00:39] SkyRayn8: in ancient history everyone had thier own depiction of it

[00:40] SkyRayn8: the ark is now fossilized

[00:40] klipaaaaa: ohmmmm

[00:40] klipaaaaa: thats something new

[00:41] SkyRayn8: it just looks like stone but shaped like a boat

[00:41] klipaaaaa: soundslike hard to find

[00:41] SkyRayn8: like how dinosaur bones or trees fossilize

[00:41] klipaaaaa: yeah thats what was i think

[00:42] SkyRayn8: oh its been found

[00:42] klipaaaaa: stone lol

[00:42] SkyRayn8: yup

[00:42] klipaaaaa: thats right

[00:42] SkyRayn8: that was thousands of years ago

[00:42] SkyRayn8: and the reason you're alive

[00:43] SkyRayn8: one side wanted you all dead

[00:43] SkyRayn8: our side did not see that as fair

[00:43] klipaaaaa: LOL

[00:44] SkyRayn8: this isnt funny

[00:44] SkyRayn8: you should be thanking me

[00:45] SkyRayn8: i brought plenty to death.  yet i helped save an entire species

[00:45] SkyRayn8: and now im one of you

[00:45] SkyRayn8: i puked for my first time

[00:46] klipaaaaa: cool story

[00:46] SkyRayn8: that was fucked up

[00:46] klipaaaaa: lol

[00:46] SkyRayn8: yeah i have a friend helping me out

[00:46] SkyRayn8: because i have no last name no social security number

[00:46] klipaaaaa: thats true

대충 요약하면

자긴 금성의 천사인데, 고대에 금성과 목성사이 행성에서 전투가 일어나서

거기 있던 도시사람들 다 죽고, 파편들이 목성의 고리가 되서

지구 공룡 대멸종이 발생했는데

노아가 돌로만든 방주로 지구사람 실어서 내가 살아있다는거임

자기는 금성의 마지막 천사인데 노아의 진짜 이름은

주리엘이고, 가브리엘이 뻘짓할때 천사로써 자기가 좀 도와줬다함

그래서 자긴 지금 이름을 밝힐 수 없는 신의 대리자 2명에게 보호를 받고있다고 함

나보고 고마워하래

자기 아니였으면 지구사람 다 죽었을꺼래

지금 2부 시작하는데 니네라면

강종하고 도망가냐?

아님 내 금같은시간 써서 들어주냐?

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념글 삭제글 갤러리 랭킹