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일반 영어권에서 바이브 무선 라이젠 충돌 해결법 뜬것 같다
원본 글 주소
  • 2018-10-18 18:18:18
  • 117.111
번역 알아서, 잘래.


Greetings all, I seem to have also have a potential underclocking Success story. Credit goes to @colonelpanicked.

EDIT: While everything was working smoothly last night I cannot get it to start stable again. FeelsBadMan.PNG.Nevertheless my original post remains below here. Too bad, I loved that free feeling :[

Disclaimer: I have not extensively tested this. This testing took place in a period of approx 2.20 Hrs. Prior to this however, my PC would lock up or BSOD as soon as I turned on the Vive wands. Still needs further testing but the diffference was major.

First my buid:

Win 10 1803

Ryzen 7 2700x @3.7 Ghz

32GB Trident Z RGB Rated at 3200 Mhz, default is 21xx, Set to 2400Mhz(this matters later)

Gigabyte x470 Aorus 7 Wifi Motheboard BIOS Ver F5


NVDIA RTX 2080 Founders Factory OCd (?) (Whatever, it's stock)

EVGA GTX 1070 SC Factory OCd

5 Monitors (hence why 2 non SLI video cards).

HTC Vive wireless expansion card, placed in a 1x PCIe 2.0 slot.

Initially I tried doublechecking my timings and used some calculator to help that. Horrible idea, thought my system was FUBR'd

After a few CMOS clearings I decided to touch nothing else except CPU and Ram clock speeds, not even voltages. I also lowered my CPU to 3.5 Ghz and RAM to 2400 Mhz. Success! I was able to run beat saber with zero lag and crash for about 20 mins. I tried to switch game and I got the error stating I was plugged into the wrong video card.... I was plugged into none >.> (Pc case open, almost everything disconnected during troubleshoot of my RAM fiasco)

Ok.. Plug the link box HDMI in to the RTX card, restart everything. Still working! no crashes, but any game except beat saber wouldnt launch.. what gives?. I checked steam VR and for some reason it was choosing my 1070 as the GPU for VR. I plugged into the 1070 and rebooted. No dice. Only way to solve the issue was to disable the 1070 via Device manager and drive on. Worked with all games, zero issues for approx 2 hours! (time for bed now, can't test much more).

The CPU and RAM clocks:

I decided to play around with my settings alot, at the end of the day, I cleared CMOS once more, all of bios was verified to be at default settings. Now, without XMP my ram goes to 21xx MHz. I do not know the science behind it. All I know is 21XX is too low, and 3200 was too high. I set it to EXACTLY 2400 MHz asI did before but noticed the CPU still self overclocked to 4.0 GHz last time so I left the CPU at 3.7 GHz in bios. Adittionally I did not force any PCIe 3.0 standards in bios, again everything except ram at 2400 was left alone!.

It works!***.

(I have yet to conduct long term testing but everythign seemed smooth and stable!. So long as I disabled my second Video card I was good to go without the error of wrong GPU. )

Games played and some notes:

Beat Saber - worked without link box even being on HDMI.

Once on HDMI with other GPU disabled:

VRChat - Verified my external USB microphone worked fine.

Stand out - No noticeable latency added, was landing shots as good as my controller tracking allowed me to. Games won GG

Onward - This game was not fully ran. It was ran in the earlier part of testing where I got to the menus while I still had my 2 GPUs enabled and the system did lock up here. Once the second GPU was disabled I had the best luck with the other titles but full discression I forgot to return to this one as I rarely play it now.

Hope this helps in the search for errors. I will continue messing with it as enabling and disabling my second GPU is a work around at best but definitely hinders my experience as I loose 4/5 of my monitors, Will be migrating 2 of them to the RTX card so I can still have 3 while in VR. (Have discord, OBS, and CAM loaded to monitor whenever headset comes off)

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