VRChat 마이너 갤러리 저장소

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일반 스포업음) 님들 이거 잇잔아여
원본 글 주소
  • 2020-07-16 23:53:13
We've got a new release of VRChat out for you today. This one is VRChat 2020.3.1, build 956.

You can restart Steam to ensure you get the update as quickly as possible.

This patch requires that you update in order to see people on the new version! In other words, if you join on your friends and they aren't in the instance, either you or your friends need to update!

Check our docs for the release notes!

Here's some of the changes:


  • Performance improvements made to logging
  • Small adjustment to in-app moderation messages
  • AVPro is now disabled when using VRChat on Linux via SteamPlay/Proton. This should enable fairly stable VRChat usage on Linux via Proton


  • Fixed a local date format issue that caused issues when creating an account in countries with different date formats


  • Safety and security fixes

Known Issues

  • When spawning into a world, newly joining players will appear at world origin for a moment before teleporting to spawn
  • In some cases, users may be invisible/inaudible until their avatar is hidden/shown

Grab the latest SDK at the VRChat Home website!

  • The SDK now checks to see if your avatar has been imported with incorrect blendshape normal settings. If it is incorrect, it will prevent upload until you fix it. An "Auto Fix" button has been provided.

This is due to a Unity bug where using "Calculate Blendshape Normals" will balloon your mesh size and cause major issues with your mesh normals. Once this bug is fixed, we'll revert this change.

Grab the latest Udon SDK at the VRChat Home website!

  • A brand new Udon Node Graph! For a great overview, check out this awesome video by VRChat Developer MomoTheMonster!

<iframe class="eventbbcodeyoutubeembed_PreviewYouTubeVideo_2sJoC eventbbcodeyoutubeembed_sizeFull_126sP" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IVjEx_H5BZc?fs=1&modestbranding=1&rel=0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" style="display: block; width: 800px; margin: 4px auto 6px; remove_style_tag; overflow: hidden; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; height: 487.5px;">

We've also added two new videos on our YouTube channel and created a "Learning Udon" playlist! We'll be adding more videos to this series as time goes on.

In addition, we've recently launched the Avatars 3.0 Open Beta! If you're interested in checking out the next generation of VRChat avatars and what they're capable of, and check out the #av3-info channel.

주요 업데이트게시자: VRChat
게시 일시
4월 2일 (목)
VRChat 2020.1.1 - Udon, New IK, Unity 2018, and more!

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