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  • 2024-07-19 07:13:19




Avatar Protection System for VRChat

SCRAMBLED MESH WILL NEVER BE VISIBLE, VIDEO IS SIMPLIFIED FOR DEMONSTRATIONDextro's Avatar Protection System for VRChat is an automated ripping-protection system that offers the highest level of security for avatar assets currently available. It consists of two components, a Unity editor script that applies the protection to your avatar when it is uploaded, and a VRChat OSC program that unlocks the avatar with a key when you load into it.Features:Automatically protects a copy of your avatar when you upload it, process is non-destructiveAutomatically unlocks your avatar in-game using the OSC app and generated key, no menu controls or passwordsFully compatible with any Humanoid avatar (VRCFury, Modular Avatar, VRCFaceTracking, MMD, etc.), does not require custom shadersScrambles your avatar's meshes with your key using multiple methods, and locks/obfuscates the AnimatorDefeats malicious reuploads and parameter stealing, and prevents most assets from being reconstructedApplies renaming obfuscation to your entire hierarchy and most extractable asset types, with an exclusion optionFallback option displays a chosen (unprotected) avatar if Custom Animations are hiddenSupports protection and unlocking of your Quest version when using protection on PCIMPORTANT:Your purchase is locked to a single VRChat account display name that is entered into the Gumroad field when buying. If your display name has any special characters in it, be sure to copy and paste it directly from the VRChat website into the purchase field.Copy and paste the display name as it appears here on the VRChat website.Extracting the avatar into Unity will return an unusable, obfuscated mess with all meshes heavily scrambled, and avatars directly re-uploaded into the game will be invisible with no working animations. Without your key, a malicious user will not be able to unscramble your meshes or unlock your avatar.Attempting to restore the ripped avatar in Unity won't get very far.Keys generated by the Protection System can be shared with others also using the OSC program to unlock the same avatar. This is useful for controlling access to a specific avatar and protecting commissions that others upload on your account. Keys are located in Documents/DexProtect and are named using the Avatar ID.The Protection System has full tested compatibility with the Clone System, and should be compatible with most custom animator setups with no additional modification necessary.Requirements:The Protection System unlocks your avatar through an OSC software tool that you must run alongside VRChat to detect when you switch avatars and unlock them.In order to use the Protection System, you will need:Unity 2019.4.31f1 or 2022.3.6f1A newer VRChat Avatars SDK3 (May 2023 or newer)A Humanoid avatar with an SDK3 Avatar Descriptor, custom expressions & FX layer19 bits of spare Expression Parameter space.NET Framework 4.7.2Limitations:Protected avatars are only visible to users who have your Custom Animations enabledYour avatar will appear invisible for a few seconds to anyone who has just joined/shown your avatarThe Avatar Preview in the menu will display the Fallback avatar, or be invisible if one was not selectedThe Fallback avatar will not have any Gestures or Visemes, and is not protected by the System (Use a low-poly Quest model, if you have one)No system is perfect, and there is no guarantee that your avatar will never be ripped or reverse-engineered if this system is used. It is very unlikely that someone will be able to get your original avatar with all its functionality back, but not impossible, so don't assume that this makes you invincible.Terms of Use:The Protection System is for use on public and private avatars that you upload under your own VRChat account. Public uploads will only work for users who have both the OSC program and key.Do not redistribute, reupload, sell, or otherwise claim the Protection System as your own.As assets are generated at upload-time and locked to a single VRChat user account, there will not be a Commercial license available at this time.Any attempts to reverse-engineer, deobfuscate, or decompile the Protection System binaries, or use of the system in loading other users' stolen avatars may result in a permanent ban from using the Protection System.


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ㅇㅇ2 지금부터 주딱 찬양을 시작하겠습니다 211.43 2024.07.19 07:14:16
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