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  • 2018-05-15 14:42:49

New Cats update 0.8.0 released! :fire: :fire:
This is a huge custom avatar update! Creating your own avatars is a breeze now. We also added support for Source Engine models, fixed the annoying finger bug and more. Come and get it while it's hot!
Have a great week everyone! :heart:

Full Changelog:
- Model:
  - New "Merge Armatures" button
    - This merges two selected armatures together
  - New "Attach mesh" button
    - This attaches a mesh to a selected bone in an armature
  - Added support for Source Engine Models
  - Moved some model options into a new "Model Options" panel
  - Added lots of new options to that panel
  - "Fix Model" now sets the roll of all bones to 0
    - This fixes a lot of finger issues!
  - "Fix Model" now removes the standard lamp, camera and cube
  - Full Body Tracking Fix is not longer enabled by default
  - Fixed: Undoing the operation after a mmd model import no longer undoes the import as well
- Eye Tracking:
  - Now shows a warning when important objects aren't named correctly
- Copy Protection:
  - Added Export button into the panel after enabling the protection
  - Now automatically triangulates the model
    - Fixes holes appearing after export to Unity
  - Updated documentation
    - Step 6 now shows how to fix all remaining lighting issues
- Atlas:
  - Meshes no longer need an armature to be selectable
- Supporters:
  - The supporter list is now synced with an online repository
      - It can now be updated on the fly without having to update everything
  - New supporter list features are available now, check them out!
- General:
  - Mesh selections are no longer shown if there is only one mesh
  - Updated mmd_tools
  - Fixed lots of bugs and typos

If you have non working models please report them to us. We will do our best to include them in future patches.

Update with the build-in updater or download it from here: https://vrcat.club/threads/cats-blender-plugin.6/

늒네챠 모델만드는얘들만 해당사항잇는내용이네 - 늒네에오 175.223 2018.05.15 14:44:59
MANKALO 오 좋아졌네 2018.05.15 14:45:14
ㅇㅇ 난 아무것도 모르겠다 118.222 2018.05.15 15:05:41
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