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- https://gall.dcinside.com/vr/3224
- 2018-05-15 14:34:28
- 118.222
ㅇㅇ | 무덤에 잇는 3호도 날던데 재밋더라 121.140 | 2018.05.15 14:35:54 |
ㅇㅇ | 내가 만들어논 아바타에 투자한 시간이 좀 애꺠워서 직접 적용시켜보고 싶은디 118.222 | 2018.05.15 14:36:21 |
Lydie | that's fairly simple, but no video.First of all, you'll need a set of flying animations. I'll DM you one. Second, you'll have to do an... interesting setup in Unity. Create a new empty Game Object. Put your VRC_Avatar Descriptor on this game object, rather than on your model. Move your model inside the game object, so it's parented to the game object. Add an Animator component to the game object. | 2018.05.15 14:43:39 |
Lydie | 영어 잘하는 우리 갤럼은 이해 할꺼라 믿는다 ^^ | 2018.05.15 14:44:09 |
Lydie | https://t.co/0zueUuyEpG | 2018.05.15 14:45:40 |
ㅇㅇ | 영어권에서 문맹인데... 118.222 | 2018.05.15 14:59:20 |
ㅇㅇ | 모르겠다 게임 오브젝트만 겁내 씨부리는거밖에 모르겠어 번역기돌려봐야겠다 118.222 | 2018.05.15 14:59:56 |
ㅇㅇ | 게임 오브젝트 추가를 어캐하는지도 모르겠다 118.222 | 2018.05.15 15:03:05 |
ㅇㅇ | + Set your model's avatar in the Avatar slot. This essentially makes your game object apply the animations to the child model. Now, you can raise up the model a bit in Unity. The game object will remain at 0, but the model will be raised, and your character will "float" at a fixed height. Coupled with some floating animations, I think this will result in the exact theme you want. 119.195 | 2018.05.15 15:50:35 |
5upporter | 궁금해서 들어왔는데 고마워요! 주딱맨! | 2018.05.15 15:50:44 |