VRChat 마이너 갤러리 저장소

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일반 오큘러스+바이브 베이스스테이션+바이브 트래커 설정관련 글
원본 글 주소
  • 2018-07-06 08:17:30

EDIT 5/24/2018

For more support on oculus x vive, check out this discord! https://discord.gg/XDUXrQC

Here's a quote from one of the users in that discord:

" I highly recommend you make a clean install of steamVR before starting any setup. Uninstall steamVR go into Program Files (x86)Steamconfig delete the Vr setting files in there then go to C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommon and delete SteamVR folder. Now install SteamVR, and input emulator and do room setup as standing only. SteamVR plays some annoying shenanigans with your room setup if you don't. If you have set up a Vive before on your PC it will be even more messed up."

EDIT 5/5/2018

A few things that may fix/improve your setup.

  • Setup your vive playspace as 'Standing Only'

  • Use OpenVR Advanced to adjust heights for VRChat full body so the legs match more accurately

Interference issues

So far only Vive Tracker 1.0 seems to be reporting some interference issues, solution is to strap the hip tracker on your back! 2.0 trackers have no issues with interference in my experience.

Hi! I'm a small YouTuber who streams and records VRChat content. I've always wanted to have full body tracking in VRChat but I'm not fond of the vive controllers nor the comfort of their headset. After hearing that the Vive Trackers come with dongles and don't require the headset to function, I began looking around for ways to use them together with my Oculus setup! I would love to share with everyone the method I used to achieve my goal!



  • Oculus Headset

  • 2x Oculus Touch

  • 3x Oculus Sensors

  • 3x Vive Trackers

  • 2x Vive Lighthouse Sensor

This setup is meant to work for 360 tracking, for 180 tracking you won't need as many sensors. These results have been achieved with the 2018 version of the Vive Trackers, I have not tested the older trackers.

We're using a lot of USB slots (7) for this setup!

  • 1x Oculus Headset (USB 3.0 Minimum)

  • 3x Oculus Sensors (USB 2.0 Minimum)

  • 3x Vive Tracker Dongles (USB 2.0 Minimum)

I use USB3 ports for all of them, I also cannot vouch for the Oculus' tracking quality using exclusively USB 2.0 on the sensors. My extra oculus sensor runs on USB 2.0 with an active extension cable.

If you need more ports, check if you have an available PCI-E Slot on your motherboard. If you do you can purchase a USB 3.0 PCI-E card to fill the amount you need. I use one myself with the oculus recommended Chipset: Fresco Logic FL1100EX.


OpenVR Input Emulator v1.3 https://github.com/matzman666/OpenVR-InputEmulator/releases

At first, the Oculus Touch/Headset and Vive trackers are kinda in their own little world, we're going to use this to offset the trackers to match them in our Oculus play space.

Getting SteamVR to Cooperate

Alright! Make sure all your hardware is plugged in and turned on! Keep in mind that during this process your hardware will not show in the SteamVR hardware list.

Pairing the trackers

This went very smooth for me, however I heard that in some systems this may be an issue. Launch SteamVR then pair the trackers by selecting SteamVR > Devices > Pair Controller

If your Oculus is turned on, they won't show in the hardware list.

Setting up vive settings to work without the headset.

Find your SteamVR settings here: steamsteamappscommonSteamVRresourcessettingsdefault.vrsettings

Find and change the following settings:

  • "requireHmd": false,

  • "activateMultipleDrivers": true,

With this change we disable SteamVR's desire to find a Vive Headset and allow it to recognize both Oculus and Vive at the same time.Once this has been changed, save and restart SteamVR.

If you do not see any Vive hardware:

SteamVR > Settings > Developer > Reboot Vive Headset

It will fail, just click cancel after it fails and it will start rebooting the software. Trackers/Lighthouse should now appear alongside the Oculus Hardware!

Merging the Vive Trackers with your Oculus Playspace

Wear your oculus headset and open your SteamVR dashboard, if you Installed OpenVR Input Emulator v1.3 you'll now see a new button at the bottom to enter it's settings. You should notice vive trackers floating somewhere in the area. Grab hold of one vive tracker and move it around to test out the orientation, it will most likely not be oriented in the same direction as your oculus. It's better to base your calibration off one tracker and keep it by hand so you can test how accurate it feels while you swing it around.

Use the WorldFromDriver Offsets, I preferred to get the direction right with yaw first, then location with x/y/z. I found that things got a little messy if you start with x or y first considering the yaw changes the remove_style_tag; padding-bottom: 0.25em; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: "Noto Sans", sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(28, 28, 28);">https://i.imgur.com/Vne3NcC.png

Once you're satisfied with the calibration, save your profile and apply the profile to each tracker! You'll have to restart steamVR if you accidentally apply it to your oculus headset.

You've now become a merger of worlds! Enjoy your new trackers!

join me in doing silly poses


Video demonstration of the whole setup in action!


오큘센서3개 (아마 2개로 사각없으면 3개까진 필요없다고 봄)

베이스스테이션 2개


오큘러스 컨트롤러 및 HMD

총 5~6개의 3.0 USB포트 요구

오픈VR 프로그램

스팀VR에서 HMD없이 움직이게 설정하기


default.vrsettings을 메모장으로 열어서

  • "requireHmd": false 로

  • "activateMultipleDrivers": true 로 

SteamVR > Settings > Developer > Reboot Vive Headset 

하드웨어 리부팅시키기

오픈VR의 WorldFromDriver Offsets 에서 위치 조정해주기

후에 설정저장하라고 되있음


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