VRChat 마이너 갤러리 저장소

제 목
일반 베타 2.2 패치 내역
원본 글 주소
  • 2018-06-23 07:59:00


This build is currently available in the open-beta branch on Steam for VRChat. Using this branch for interacting with users on Live is not possible-- in other words, you won't see them if you are using the open-beta.



  • We now support the use of the VRC_SyncVideoStream component for playing Twitch and YouTube Live streams! See the documentation on this feature here.
  • There is now a mouse sensitivity slider for Desktop users! Find it in the System menu
  • The particle limiter has been re-implemented, but it is now an optional, beta system that a user must enable. Settings for this system are tweakable per-user. You can enable the system and change these settings for yourself in a file saved in the same directory that the output logs are saved. See a guide on the recommended limits and how to set your own limits here. To reiterate, this system is not enabled by defaultand must be enabled by creating the configuration file.


  • VRChat will now display the file size of worlds on the World's icon in the top left
  • If VRChat detects that you are using an AMD card with drivers installed known to have issues with some community-created shaders, it will inform you that you need to update


  • Many bugs fixed related to performance/error reporting
  • Even more Safety and Security fixes


  • SyncVideoStream audio may sometimes play to the wrong Windows Mixer channel. If this occurs, VRChat will mute the audio to avoid overly loud volume. If you have no audio, check your Windows Audio Mixer for an extra channel. You may have to restart VRChat to fix this issue.




  • New triggers added to Example-Triggers.unity included with the SDK
  • New actions added to Example-Actions.unity included with the SDK


  • VRCWorld prefab had the UpdateTimeInMS set to 10ms even though the slider value in inspector is capped to 33ms as minimum value. The default is now set to 33ms.

게임 내 트위치,유튜브 스트리밍 재생 가능

데스크탑 유저 마우스 민감도 조절 가능

파티클 항목에 따라 제한

암드 안보이던거 살릴 예정

게임가드改二 파티클 제한 어떤거로 이루어지려나?? 갯수려나? 2018.06.23 07:59:55
Lydie 생방재생 퍄... 2018.06.23 08:00:13
ㅇㅇ 차렷충 감도조절을 이제야 만들어주네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 121.124 2018.06.23 08:03:33
새로운열쇠 파티클 제한 같은 경우는 기본적으로는 제한 없는데 몇몇 항목만 제한 넣을거라고 하더라 2018.06.23 08:06:50
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념글 삭제글 갤러리 랭킹