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일반 큐브 커뮤니티에 어제 오늘 올라온글
원본 글 주소
  • 2019-06-23 04:57:08
-When you find the code, the pattern you need to enter into the corresponding (same) room should be entered in the exact same way you see it there from left to right (there are rare cases where it may also be from top to bottom depending on the code and map) -For this specific example from the starting area, just head up to the ceiling to deactivate the Bloom Palace trap with the new code you've found. -To get to the ceiling in Cubes, I'd recommend you to jump to one of the side doors first, then gently jump up the ladder above it (you shouldnt need to really move, it should just shoot you up if you jump correctly) and it should take you up to an invisible platform that lets you access the ceiling. You can then go across that, open the door above and then jump to the side of one of the ladders. There should be a little gap that holds you in place. Once you're secure, then click on one of the ladders beside you and it should slowly start to push you up. Since otherwise I've had trouble staying on it, especially with two people - I recommend you jump up, stay as close as possible to the same side once the door above opens and then click on the final door which will reveal the trap room and place a door beneath you with a collider so that you don't fall and can enter the code (but make sure not to accidentally jump into the trap room without deactivating it first) Here's some directions to help you get started so that you don't get lost and get a general sense of direction (I've also provided some clues to help you find your next few codes) Starting area Ceiling - Bloom Palace room Floor - Floating Rock room North - Planet room South - Green Laser room East - Pink/White room West - Code Blue ship room Bloom Palace room Ceiling - N/A dead end Floor - Starting area North - Don't Mess With Carl room South - Xenoblade room East - CoD IW room West - Zelda (w mario song) room
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll be happy to provide more info and tips if you're still confused about anything specific but otherwise happy hunting for clues, codes and the mystery behind Cubes~

to help save teams a bit of time, and in the interest of fairness since i told someone else, if you come to a blue cube with a reddish sphere, it's not leading you to a world called KHAOS, although the profile pic looks very similar. that one seems to have its own puzzle.
the one you're actually looking for has a different challenging puzzle

맨밑에 4줄은 제작자 오피셜 

그거 천장여는코드로 우주선맵도 함해보샘

난 거기만 열어봤는데... 되더라

ㅇㅇ 이제 천장에서 내려오는거 가능하게 패치했네 180.182 2019.06.23 05:04:29
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