러브라이브 선샤인 마이너 갤러리 저장소

제 목
일반 Hi, I'm Hanada zyuuki.
원본 글 주소
  • 2019-05-08 15:56:04
  • 122.254

Hi, I'm Hanada zyuuki
The reason for writing is that I think I have to sort out the middle-and-medium-sized stories that I couldn't tell you yesterday.
You said yesterday that you would explain why I left the guild at 10:00,
I don't understand why Min Soo-hyung and medium sized people turned on the program.
I didn't mean to expose what Minsu-hyung or Medium-Large did to me.
I have some problems with my team, and I'm leaving because of the difficulty,
I was going to tell you about it when I was in a bad mood,
I think I told you what I did wrong to me, so you didn't want to be blamed.
This is the time of the day for the preremove_style_tag>
I got tired of that.
Everybody's leaving. And he said he's practically raising my broadcast.
Is that what you're gon na tell your brother as a brother?
I heard that Minsu-hyung was also on the air, and I knew him because we were skype together.
Third, my broadcasting is boring, sleepy, drawing a song, etc.
I know my broadcast is boring. I'm trying.
I don't think my brother, who's friendly with me, puts me off the air like that.
There were three other things I wrote down, roughly, that I didn't understand the most.
And if I am on the air, please take it and tell me that the big and medium sized companies are now Daewoong.
There are quite a few of them, and I decided to watch it again because I know that some of them are from Ugro.
We'll judge them after we've seen them.
I don't think I would have been too lazy or annoyed to see me in the middle of the room.
I don't understand saying things that I shouldn't tell her and then broadcasting proudly without putting a loo/k at her again.
I've never spoken ill of medium to large.
Hey, guys, it's nice to have a good broadcast.
When I was broadcasting in Korea, Min-Su-hyung, middle-sized and middle-sized people never get sick, and I was just going to air it myself.
I never told my brothers that I didn't watch my show.
Big brothers.
Why is it that my audience has declined and my audience has increased since I went to China.
I always wanted you to apologize for what you wanted me to do,
Yesterday, when I Skype, I didn't think it was a proper apology, but I didn't have the nerve to say it to justify myself.
Yes, I am sorry if you are offended. Would you like to receive such an apology if you are like this?
Viewers see the situation and apologize to the older brother, but the younger brother does not accept it, it is very strange. There are people like this.
In that situation, I can see that the medium and large companies are making the apology in a strange way and speaking out boldly.
I don't know why you're talking about medium to large.
I didn't know that this was going to be like this with Daewoong having gone down from being nothing in broadcasting.
I said I didn't know because I didn't say sorry.
Does it make sense that when you are in middle and high school, you say something like that, and didn't know whether you were disappointed or hurt?
Again, I don't think this is how I ended up with a medium-large, medium size.
I was so moved by three of those things that I kept thinking about going triple.
It happened yesterday.
And when I said, " I really don't hear you, " you know, personally, after the broadcast.
I think you should have contacted me or had a good conversation again.
I heard that Taechan was so stubborn that he went there later and apologized politely.
Taxigation is full of viewers, so please apologize politely for fear.
I feel bad about this without even being contacted.
When I talked to Taekching and Medium-Large, I was in Neoplet, and did they talk and apologize?
I waited, but he didn't come all the way.
I talked a few times on Skype and I felt so brazen it was that I didn't have to mess with them.
I was just talking in amazement.
I just heard what I told you and you were doing exactly what you did wrong.
Do you want me to swear to go there when I keep being brazen?
He just seemed to justify himself because he didn't know what his fault was and was worried about the seriousness of the situation,
And when you talk, you don't know if you're disappointed.
I just don't think that's going to happen. I don't think it's going to hurt my conscience.
I think you've given it to me personally. Don't worry about it! Even in this way.
I knew you'd have a conscience, so I thought you'd talk to him and let him go, but here's the result.
Min Soo-hyung said, " I am not offended by Min Soo-hyung even though I was being playful to myself.
Min Soo-hyung told me not to feel bad about it because he was just for broadcasting purposes.
Minsu-hyung and Min-hyung were released yesterday, so they didn't have any bad feelings, but they didn't apologize.
I apologize for the mistake and it ended well with each other.
Min Soo-hyung and I understand each other.
In medium and large, I do that on my own, I never talk about medium to large.
I wouldn't have written anything like this if I were really close to middle and high school.
And the manager of that room, in your brother Minsu's room yesterday.
Well, obviously it doesn't lo/ok good to others, but if you lo/ok at it again,
Because he's pushing me in the wrong direction, the manager's coming out.
In that situation, I didn't even know Min Soo-hyung was saying that.
(If I weren't on the air and if I had seen my brother's song, I would have confronted him.
He came out because I couldn't.)
Min Soo-hyung didn't mean to speak ill of me, but other people thought he was.
That's what you did.
He doesn't know anything, he doesn't mean it. He says it's my situation.
Of course, those who swear to you are angry and I understand that.
Thank you for reading the text that seems to have been written without any arrangement
Since I did not receive an apology without reason, I hope I can help you understand my situation by reading this article.
I'm sorry I made this big, and I'll try to show you the best.
よしルビ 라면먹지마세요 체질이라는게 바뀝니다 2019.05.08 15:56:48
치카사랑해 민수형이 누군대 시발 2019.05.08 15:56:58
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